Calendar for
The Rosecrans' Headquarters


Meeting scheduled for December 13th
has been cancelled

See List of  Monthly 
Demos and Presentations


             2013 Fund Raiser
Public Meeting
Committee Meeting


Minutes of Past Unit Meetings

January 21
1 p.m.
Annual Organizational Meeting
at PJ's Restaurant - no public program
January 9, 7 p.m. Education Committee
will meet in the Myers Inn
February 6, 7 p.m. Education Committee
will meet in the Myers Inn
February 23 Rosecrans Command Headquarters Monthly Meeting
Looking for Image in Paintings and Photographs

by Rick Helwig
March 12, 7 p.m. Education Committee
will meet in the Myers Inn
March 22, 7 p.m. Rosecrans Command Headquarters Monthly Meeting
April 4, 6:30 p.m. Living History Committee  learn more
will meet in the Myers Inn
April 7th Barn Work Resumes
April 9, 7 p.m. Education Committee
will meet in the Myers Inn
April 14, 1-3 Harlem Township 'Roadshow'
Money for encampment in August
with Rick Helwig
April 26, 7 p.m. Rosecrans Command Headquarters Monthly Meeting
First Person Persona
by Dana Russell      photo
April 28th 9 a.m.
Barn Work Resumes
call Rick 740-965-9636
April 30, 7 p.m. Education Committee
will meet in the Myers Inn
May 5 and 6th Civil War Show in Mansfield
May 7, 7 p.m. Education Committee
will meet in the Myers Inn
May 14, 7 p.m. Living History Committee
will meet in the Myers Inn
May 18 School Day: Living History for Classes
May 19 Living History Pageant for the Public
May 28, 2012 Memorial Day
May 31,  7 p.m. Rosecrans Command Headquarters Monthly Meeting
Telegraphs in the Civil War
by Payton Seats
June 1-3 The Encampment at Grove City
June 9 Autumn Lakes Encampment
June 23 & 24 Reynoldsburg Civil War Days
June 28, 7 p.m. Rosecrans Command Headquarters Monthly Meeting

June 30, 9-4 Barn Work
July 4th, 2012
12:20 p.m.
Dedication of Forge
Learn more         Photos from the event
July 24, 7 p.m. Statue Fund Raising Committee
Meets in the Myers Inn meeting Room
July 26,  7 p.m. Rosecrans Command Headquarters Monthly Meeting
August 2, 7 p.m. Statue Fund Raising Committee
Meets in the Myers Inn meeting Room
August 11 & 12 Hale Farm Reenactment
August 16, 7 p.m. Statue Fund Raising Committee
Meets in the Myers Inn Meeting Room
August 18 & 19 Harlem Days
August 25, 11-11 Sizzles  & Sounds on Sunbury Square 
Galena Fest
in downtown Galena
August 30, 7 p.m. Rosecrans Command Headquarters Monthly Meeting
September 3, 2012 Labor Day
September 10,
     7 p.m.
Statue Fund Raising Committee
Meets in the Myers Inn Meeting Room
September 14 & 15
 see details
Myers Inn Barnyard 
September 27, 2012 Rosecrans Command Headquarters Monthly Meeting
October 7, 2012 Heritage Day
October 8, 2012 Education Committee
will meet in the Myers Inn
October 13, 2012 Rosecrans Dinner-Theater
October 25, 2012 Rosecrans Command Headquarters
Pauline Cushman, Union Spy
                             by Valerie Hamill
                                  learn more
November 10, 2012 Rosecrans Dinner-Theater Has been cancelled.  There are still some seats for the December Dinner Theater
November 14, 2012
7 p.m.
Education Committee
will meet in the Myers Inn
November  2012 Rosecrans Command Headquarters
 No Monthly Meeting
December 1, 2012 Christmas on the Square
December 8, 2012 Rosecrans Dinner-Theater
December 13,         
Rosecrans Command Headquarters
Old Fashioned Christmas Party

Calendar for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011



