Rosecrans’ Headquarters
Minutes of Meeting Held
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Attending:  Rick Helwig – Chairman, Tom Paul – Vice-Chairman, Bill Comisford -Secretary, Henry Shaw – Treasurer, and members of the Rosecrans HQ.

Bob Mergel gave a presentation on the “Corps of Engineers”.

Chairman’s Report:  Rick shared “general orders” from Nashville and letters after the Battle of Stones River.

Birthdays were celebrated for a couple of our members – Payton Seats and Elizabeth Reeb. 

Rick discussed the potential summer events and character impressions. 

Vice-Chairman’s Report:  Tom share photos and video from the gala and events.

Secretary’s Report:  Bill indicated the minutes were on the website prior to the meeting.  Minutes were approved and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report:  Henry Shaw gave the treasurer’s report.  Report was approved and accepted.  $4,317 in HQ account; $1,679 in Memorial account; info still being accumulated for the gala.

Past Events:    A discussion on past events:

  • Gala – to be discussed when all the info has been gathered.

Activities:  The following activities were discussed:

Up-Coming Activities: 

·         March 12th – Mount Vernon SUV Ball, $15/person.

·         March 26th - Gahanna event.

·         May 20-22 - Sunbury Re-enactment – School Day almost completely booked.  Spectator ads need to be in by March 24th.  Still working on Hiram Lodge. 

Ladies Aid Society:  Silpada Jewelry Party set for March 13th, proceeds to the Memorial Fund.  April 28th at the Firehouse.  Discussed possible teas for summer. 

New business:  Warren Mott has volunteer to host an encampment.  Steve Cook trying set up an event for the Delaware Library. 

Payton has been asked to participate in the Johnny Clem School dedication in Newark set for September 2011. 

Need to finalize events to participate in during 2011.  The listing of potential events was passed out at the January meeting requesting input.  Rick to come up with the events selected. 

Demos and Public Presentations:  The following is the schedule of upcoming Living History Presentations: 

·         March Meeting:           Infantry HQ, by Monte McGowen

·         April Meeting;             Reenactment plans

·         May Meeting:              Re-enactment recap

·         June Meeting:              Colonel Frambes, by Chuck Grapes

·         July Meeting:              Civilian and Military Blacksmiths, by Rick Helwig

·         August Meeting:

·         September Meeting:

·         October Meeting:        US Sanitary Fair, by Liz Golowenski

·         November Meeting:

·         December Meeting:

Dues notices were mailed out.  Unit forms need to be completed and returned to Rick. 

Next meeting was set for Thursday, March 31st.  Bring a friend! 

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted, 

W. D. Comisford
Secretary, Rosecrans’ Headquarters


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